Our Story

How did Dodod Bakery start?

Although our English store name is Dodo Bakery (named after our family dog 🤭), our Chinese name is Sweet Time Bakery 甜蜜时光, and it has a story. I would like to share the origin of "Sweet Time" with you:

New Town Plaza in Shatin, Hong Kong is a place I am familiar with, and an unforgettable place - that is the beginning of our story… At that time, I was working in the dining hall on the third floor, and he was working as a baker in the King Group A~1 Bakery on the first floor. We took the same bus to and from work every day, but we didn’t know each other. In fact, we had always lived nearby. On our way to and from work every day, we are like two parallel stars that never intersect. However, fate cleverly intertwined our lives with a heavy rain, a lost umbrella and a dilemma with not having enough loose change. From initial strangeness to familiarity, from friendship to deep affection, the breeze by the river and the lights at night, have become our secret witnesses. We get along with each other in the simplest and most sincere way, enjoying every tiny moment, as if bread and love merge into one, adding abundant sweetness to life! Now, our Sweet Time Bakery has become the witness and continuation of this relationship. It stores the beautiful memories that belong to us. The smell of bread in the store seems to have a hint of our past, a piece of bread is a story, and every story is a love of life and deep affection for each other. We hope that every guest who steps into Sweet Time Bakery can feel the full sweetness and happiness.

Outside the door of Sweet Time Bakery, time seems to have frozen, leaving only those faint sweetness and deep feelings. In here, we are not just selling desserts, we are sharing a sweet attitude towards life; a place where people can feel the warmth of love and being loved; so that every guest who enters can enjoy every bite of the dessert and taste the purest flavor of life - sweet and warm! Sweet Time Bakery also records the happy memories between him and the “bread brothers”. They grew up together since childhood, with the same goal and same interest as they excelled in the bread making business. Their efforts and laughter have become memories in every corner. A-1 Bakery has witnessed their journey from youth to maturity. Although the years have passed, their love for bread and their obsession with "sweet time" will never diminish. Time may have taken away their youth, but their passion and emotion are still shining brightly. Whenever I think back to those days, my heart is full of gratitude and warmth. I am grateful for the adventure and persistence in those years, and warm because of his company and support. Our story is the soul of "sweet time" and a sweet gift we give to the world. Welcome to our "sweet time" and share the sweetness and memories together!!

Original: 虽然我们的英文店名Dodo Bakery(是以我们家的狗命名的🤭),我们的中文名字甜蜜时光是有故事的,我想与大家分享“甜蜜时光”的由来:香港沙田新城市广场是我熟悉且难忘的地方,那是我们故事的开始。当时我在三楼的歺厅上班,他在一楼的英王集团A~1 bakery 担任面包师,我们每天坐同一架巴士上班下班,互不相识,其实大家一直住在附近。我们每天来往于工作的路上,如两颗平行的星,不曾交汇。然而,命运却用一场大雨、一把遗失的伞和一次没有零钱的窘境,将我们的生活轨迹巧妙地交织在了一起。从最初的陌生到熟悉,从友情到深情,河边的微风和夜晚的灯光成了我们秘密的见证者。我们以最简单、最真挚的方式相处,享受着每一个微小的瞬间,仿佛面包与爱情融为一体,为生活增添了丰盈的甜美。而今,我们的“甜蜜时光”店铺,成为了这段感情的见证和延续,里面储存着属于我们的那一段段美好的回忆,店里的面包香,仿佛也带有一丝我们过去的味道,每一个面包,都是一个故事,每一个故事,都是一份对生活的热爱和对彼此的深情。我们希望,每一个踏入“甜蜜时光”的客人,都能感受到那份满满的甜蜜与幸福。 在“甜蜜时光”的门外,时光仿佛凝固,只留下了那些淡淡的甜意和深深的感动。在这里,我们并不只是在卖甜品,我们在分享一种甜蜜的生活态度,一个让人感受到爱与被爱温度的地方,让每一个进入的客人,在甜品的每一口里,都能尝到那来自生活最纯真的味道——甜蜜而温馨。甜蜜时光同时记载着他与面包兄弟们的快乐回忆,兄弟四人是儿时的朋友,在操场上的小伙伴,如今已是商海中的战友,是A-1 的驕傲。这四位兄弟的情谊经年累月更显醇厚。他们从小一同成长,有着共同目標,共同興趣,一起在面包界努力打拼,经過多年努力各自有不凡的成就。他们的努力与笑声成为了每个角落的记忆。A-1 bakery见证了他们从年少到成熟的过程。尽管岁月流转,他们对面包的热爱与对“甜蜜时光”的执念永不减退。时光或许带走了青春,但他们的热情与情感依然熠熠生辉。每当我回想起那段日子,我的心中都充满了感激和温暖。感激那些年的冒险和坚持,温暖因为有了他的陪伴和支持。我们的故事,是“甜蜜时光”的灵魂,也是我们给世界的一个甜蜜的礼物。欢迎你,走进我们的“甜蜜时光”,一同分享那份甜蜜与回忆!